Cutesy shoujo for everyone~

Tag Archives: Kiss ni Juzoku


Oh look, I missed another birthday *cries* I’M SO SORRY ANI-PON.
I thought my December celebrants weren’t until the 2nd week so I didn’t look at the birthday list at all *cough*
Anyway, it’s never too late! Now everyone join me in greeting our awesome proofreader, Ani, a happy belated birthday~!! Happy birthday ani-pon! Thanks for the work you’ve done for us these past years~ :3 May you have had an awesome birthday celebration~

Now for the releases!
Kanchigai Hime to Usotsuki Shimobe ch.2 – Chapter 2! More hilarity ensues~ Such a good short series *giggles*
Kiss ni Juuzoku ch.2 (VERSION 2) – A version 2 of a chapter of a pretty old project. Now, I’m going to list the reasons why you SHOULD download this version.
Reasons to download version 2:
1. Volume pages! Better quality to appreciate the pretty art!
2. Fixed translation. The version that was released before was assumed to be a one-shot and so we it didn’t fit well with some continuing points in the story; plus, some of the earlier translations were pretty different.
3. Additional 4koma manga!
4. Addition of a missing page that was missing in the oneshot release.


PLEASE READ: For the foreign language teams who asked to translate our projects, I lost of the list of which group has permission to translate which project into which language along with the forum, so I will be VERY grateful if you guys can provide me a list of those we gave you permission for. Please email the list to me at and please indicate your group name and which language team :3 THANK YOU!! ^_^ …This is also why I haven’t replied to some re-translation requests. Please bear with me >_< I will not be accepting re-translating requests at the moment.


For you guys who are wondering why there haven’t been any releases of your favorite series, read the recruitment section below! ;D

Recruitment: We’re in dire need of J>E translators, typesetters and scanners~ If interested, please skip over to the recruitment page and follow the instructions! Read carefully everyone! XD We’re also in dire need of raws for Vampire Master starting from volume 3 to volume 7. If you can help, please contact us at!

And here’s one more release(or better said 2-releases) for the week, as a celebration for Labor day (I wonder why when I hear word labor it feels like the talk is about child giving… they use something like “in labor” for it)
OK, enough of weird info. But well, as always we´ll be celebrating by work, huh? So it´s like no celebration is there and on top of that, it’s on a Sunday this year, so no holiday for anyone! :frazzled:

Get the releases here! What are the releases? Surprise? Or just stare at the tags XD

Recruitment: We’re in need of editors, cleaners, 1 experienced typesetter and a scanner! If you want more releases of your fave series, applying would really help us out! If you’re interested, please head on over to the recruitment sub-forum or the recruitment page for details!

We’re also accepting help in the form of part-timers! For more information, go here: !

Do you guys know the occasion for our release today~? *looks around* Do ya? Do ya? Well~~~ today is SC’s 4th Anniversary!!
We’ve been around for 4 years now and it wouldn’t have been possible without the help of the staff (both active and retired) who have tirelessly worked on releases and for you our supporters who give the us the strength to carry on. Well, since we’ve reached 4 years I hope there will be more to follow. We hope to be able to provide you guys with manga you can enjoy for more years to come. So we look forward to your support!

New releases:
1. Sora Oto extra
2. Hatsumei Princess ch.7
3. Ichigo Jikan ch.9
4. Kiss ni Juzoku
5. Mirror Does Not Lie story02
6. Koi ja Nai no Da v01 extra
7. Koi ja Nai no Da v02 ch.5
8. Koi ja Nai no Da v02 ch.6
9. Lady Georgie ch.33
10. Himitsu no Sakana Pan
11. Nobara no Hanayome ch.2
12. Make Sweet story02
13. Something About Emmaline volume 1
and one lost lamb
14. Megane Megaren x Koi c3

Get them here.